Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Easiest ever cloth pumpkins!

Everyone has been asking me how I made these cute little cloth pumpkins, so here goes my first attempt at a tutorial! Forgive me if it's confusing.

To start, trace around something round on desired cloth. I chose to use B's drum to trace around, which is about 9" in diameter. Then cut out your circle and thread a needle (thread color doesn't really matter- it barely shows).
Start stitching around the edges of the circle and make sure if it's a patterned piece, that the patterned side faces out.

Once you stitch all the way around, pull the thread tight (but not too tight, or you won't be able to stuff it) and material forms a sort-of ball.

Stuff with filling and knot off your thread so the pumpkin stays tight.

For the stem, I used grapevines. I have a slight vendetta against these grape vines, as they have taken over my backyard, but they were perfect for this project! You can also use plain old sticks, or whatever else you can find to make them look cute.

Hot glue the stem to the opening of the pumpkin (this also helps to seal the thread so it won't come unraveled) and you're done!

See, told you it was easy!

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